Cyberspace, cybersecurity, cyberwarface,这些词汇不断的出现在各大报章,越来越多的被人们提及,尤其是prism棱镜计划的曝光。
定义1:ISO/IEC 27032:2012, 《Information technology – Security techniques – Guidelines for cybersecurity》:"the Cyberspace" is defined as "the complex environment resulting from the interaction of people, software and services on the Internet by means of technology devices and networks connected to it, which does not exist in any physical form.
cybersecurity is "preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in the Cyberspace"
定义2:ITU国际电联:[T]he collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices,assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization and user’s assets. Organization and user’s assets include connected computing devices, personnel, infrastructure, applications, services, telecommunications systems, and the totality of transmitted and/or stored information in the cyber environment. Cybersecurity strives to ensure the attainment and maintenance of the security properties of the organization and user’s assets against relevant security risks in the cyber environment. The general security objectives comprise the following: availability; integrity, which may include authenticity and non-repudiation; and confidentiality.
定义3:荷兰安全与司法部:freedom from danger or damage due to the disruption, breakdown,
or misuse of ICT. The danger or damage resulting from disruption, breakdown or misuse may consist of limitations to the availability or reliability of ICT, breaches of
the confidentiality of information stored on ICT media, or damage to the integrityof that information.今天,又看到对cyber品评了一番。文章写到:现代军事领域,Cyber是人类进入信息时代,争夺最激烈、最重要的领域,被称作和陆、海、空、天一样的第五域。Cyber是外文词,为了更好地讨论这一问题,我们必须先找到一个合适的中文翻译。很多人把它简单理解为互联网和***行为,有人则将Cyber Warfare译成“网络战与电子战”,用来指代网络和电子战领域的相互破坏和对抗。但这些理解都存在偏差,因为“网电”仅仅是Cyber问题中的物理域,而Cyber讲的是物理域背后的虚拟的“控制域”。钱学森先生把Cybernetic译为“控制论”,被认为是科学技术最经典之一,我们延用钱老对科学技术的理解,可以把Cyber Space译成“控域”, 避免争议的最好办法就是音译“赛博”,就像当年译“雷达”一样。在军事上,联合作战的定义是海、陆、空、天、控五域的联合行动,而控域又是前四域的核心。现代西方的联合作战是控、空、海、天、陆一体的联合,侦察、通信、机动、打击和后勤五类物理平台在Cyber提供虚拟的协同组织架构下成为一个有机整体。控域像人类的神经控制着身体的每一个部位,这有些类似《***帝国》中的描述。在信息化全球化的时代,军事斗争、经济运行、国家管理、企业经营乃至人们的日常生活都日益离不开控域的组织和协同。